
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

America: The day after Trump’s ambush

Like most observers around the world, I stayed awake all night and watched as the election results from the American Presidential elections began to t

The growling wolf cometh

To borrow a perspective from Malcolm X, the choice that black American voters had last week, between the liberal Democratic Party candidate Hillary Ro

As Donald Trump arrives

 In perhaps the most stunning electoral surprise in modern political history, American billionaire businessman Donald Trump last week defeated Hi

TRUMP: Only God Knows Tomorrow

(God?) while a popular adage in Hausa strengthens this: “Sanin Gaibu Sai Allah!” (Only God Knows The Unseen). All these go to describe the

Lessons from the 2016 US Presidential Election

It certainly came as a surprise to many people. Though all national polls in the USA indicated that the race was tightening in the run-up to the elect