
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Has PDP shot itself in the foot?

The recent report that the PDP’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has zoned the party’s chairmanship position to the North-East geo-poli

Food for thought from 2012

Nearly four years ago, July 13, 2012 to be specific, I delivered the key speech on a topic that couldn’t be more appropriate to the insecurity t

Pastoralism in Nigeria

In popular imagination, ‘nomads’ wander from place to place without any logic -Ammianus Marcellinus described the Huns thus:  No-one

What? Polls without thugs?

The Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) stance that it would not proceed and conclude pending rerun elections across the country

Reconciling Accounts: An Ex-Excellency Prepares To Meet His Maker

Any student of history who has encountered the legendary South African figure called Shaka Zulu knows you either hate him or love him.  In a life