
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Troubling religion

On a number of fronts, the endemic frictions between faith and Nigerian politics are becoming more intense. These skirmishes remind us that Nigerians

Can happiness really be measured?

The inspiration for this reflection is the World Happiness Report 2016, released recently in Rome ahead of this year’s UN World Happiness Day, w

CCSG and its storm in a teakettle

The recent big fuss kicked up by a rather dubious Coalition of Civil Society Group (CCSG) last month over the sack of the councils and Vice-Chancellor

As Nigeria battles Egypt

As Nigerians battle to contend with the mind-boggling revelations from the ongoing investigation and trial of prominent figures from the immediate pas

Scene without the herdsmen

Only yesterday Daily Trust on Sunday’s editorial called for a national program to end pastoralism as a sub-national culture within one generatio