
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

In defence of Senator Marafa

Mr. Alabi Tajudeen is an ardent reader of this column by his own say-so. So far we’ve met only on the screens of our handsets as he frequently t

When Onyeka sang the blues…

I can’t be sure of the precise year for now because time has simply sped by. But if there is one thing about music, it is in its uncanny ability

When school time = meal time

It did not exactly make my mouth to salivate but the school food menu recently introduced for public primary schools all over Kaduna State did set me

Malcolm X @ 51 – An Eternal Black Voice

Whenever I talk about martyred heroes, I talk about the three I know best: Imam Hasan al Banna; AbdulMalik Shabazz (Malcolm X); and General Murtala Mu

The needle and the plough

When Hausa people want to caution against the possibility that resolving a small problem could invite bigger ones, they say it is important to ensure