Global Connection

Global Connection

The stranded power of Nigeria’s human resource (I)

Stranded power.  I googled Stranded Power Nigeria, and discovered that as at February 2018, Nigeria had 2000 Megawatts of stranded electricity po

The big argument between borrowing and saving (II)

Continued from last week.  As for countries, it depends on what ideologies and philosophies drive them. I wouldn’t deride Japan the way the

The big argument between borrowing and saving (I)

There are two interesting write-ups that have been circulating on the internet and on WhatsApp lately. Both of them basically analyse whether it is wi

Nigeria’s crude oil tragedy II)

So the story is still about my shock with what is going on in the Niger Delta presently.  I learnt that the people there are angry that the gover

The Nigerian crude oil tragedy

One of our biggest problems – perhaps our only problem – as a people, is unoriginality.  I don’t believe we have justified the