Global Connection

Global Connection

Playing possum with politics and religion

The battle for the soul of our nation is now fought on social media. Information mismanagement has become the modus vivendi of this regime. It is appa

Foreign investors or tourists? – 1

The question is; which of these should Nigeria be spending time and resources looking for? The foreign investor has been getting so much airtime in Ni

Social justice and allocation of scarce resources

When you walk around your plush gated community in the morning, do you notice how the drivers and houseboys use water liberally to wash the big men&rs

Religious excesses – government bungles another good policy

Another good idea was mismanaged this week. The Financial Regulatory Council of Nigeria has a bad reputation among most Nigerians for being a power-hu

Fraud alert – halt the N-Power ‘employment’ scheme immediately (1)

When I was doing my Youth Service in Calabar, Cross River State in 1991, I noticed a phenomenon by which young corpers like me did their primary assig