Global Connection

Global Connection

The Treasury Single Albatross (TSA)

I was at the bank on Wednesday. I’m one of the few who have deliberately refused to do banking transactions online, preferring instead to pay in

Saraki and Nigeria’s game of thrones

Nigeria’s politicians have done their homework. They know the people whom they rule. They are aware that these people love a long-winding soap o

The hunt for Nigeria’s magical fuel subsidies!

President Buhari recently made this statement: “I have received a lot of literature on the need to remove subsidies… But much of it has n

Information has become the new currency

I bought this external CD drive the other day, at a whopping N25,200 somewhere in Abuja. The CD drive on my Macbook Pro is messing up; rejecting CDs.&

Buhari, thanks for listening to Nigerians

And so finally, the President and Vice President declared their assets. As I had stated many times before, I, personally, am not interested in the con