Global Connection

Global Connection

For moments like this (1)

Fastforward to today.  Bombs exploding everywhere.  Yes, it seems limited to the northern parts of Nigeria, but who knows what next, or who next?  Jus

Nigerians are not corrupt (1)

When Malcolm was sent to prison earlier in his life for thieving and burglary, a certain inmate approached him and introduced Islam to him.  As a stro

A tale of two female ministers

Madam has been deftly and craftily playing the race card.  At home, her core supporters have been playing the tribe card as well.  She often sounds li

Seized by violence

I join issues with the “churches” because the media (which is largely owned, home and abroad by Christians or those with affinity for Christianity, ha

A tale of two cities

I came back from an organized Accra the other day, and just driving that stretch of the road, I saw with my very eyes as a mini-van flung one boy who