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World Adoption Day: Care for orphans, vulnerable children takes centre stage

“It is joyful and amazing; it is an experience and I am telling people about it,” said Mrs S. Shonaike who took an orphan into her home. She said she

The untold everyday story of Borno’s malnourished children (Part 2)

“Everyday mothers bring in children who are skinny and frail, and when we test them we find out they have cases of severe acute malnutrition,” Ms Baba

Raising boys or girls, which is harder?

Eight-year-old Yusuf Usman is a very active boy, jumping from one place to the other which makes his mother to keep shouting and sometimes spank him.

The untold everyday story of Borno’s malnourished children (Part 1)

Yakaka Babagana, 28 years old, wakes up every day with one thing on her mind – her four-months-old daughter. “Dear God,” she normally prays “giv

Women, girls pay heaviest price for poor sanitation, lack of water

Just like the air we breathe, water is crucial for sustaining human life, however, access to water supply was estimated to be 67% while that of sanita