Home Front

Home Front

Fathers play major role in ensuring good nutrition for children

On a hot Monday afternoon, about 15 men in Gurum community, Kano State, sit on colourful mats spread under two neem trees, engaging in an intense disc

ActionAid Nigeria advocates protection of women against violence

Country Director, ActionAid Nigeria, Mrs Ene Obi has called on government at all levels to evolve measures that would curtail the rising cases of viol

Meeting the needs of persons with disabilities

At 10 years of age, Chikamso Emmanuel can barely sits on his own, talk less of walking, due to a disability he suffered on both legs and one of his ha

Abused, exploited, abandoned – A Story of a Child’s Rough Path to Finding Home

When 11-year-old Kelvin (not real name) recounts his earliest memories of what he called home, it’s a mixed tape of cane lashes, chains and time spent

The worrisome state of pedophilia in Nigeria

Just this week Monday, the news of a 10-year-old girl, Masenengen Targba, who was delivered of a baby girl at a Makurdi hospital in Benue State went v