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Ways to tackle body odour

Have you ever finished a returned from an assignment where you have really sweat  and within few minutes, noticed a peculiar smell?  Body odour is the

Beauty of sandals

Sandals are an open type of footwear consisting of a sole held to the wearer’s foot by straps going over the instep and sometimes around the ankle. Th

Understanding child training without stress

Seven years old Hameed has become used to his mother yelling and beating as a result of his stubbornness. He always returned from school with his unif

How to cope with hot weather

Most people enjoy sunny weather, but when it becomes extremely hot it becomes a matter of concern because hot weather can negatively affect your healt

Should a woman confront her husband’s mistress?

Reports of women attacking their husbands’ mistresses (or ‘side chicks’ as they are now called) are becoming rampant in today’s society. Many women ha