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Home Front

Natural ways to get rid of cockroaches from home

Cockroaches are not only very nasty bugs that carry diseases and spread dangerous bacteria all over the home through their saliva, they also constitut

Child discipline: Should couples be at loggerheads?

The Yakubus are a family of five, including their three children, who live in one of the satellite towns of Abuja. They are a bit comfortable and the

Ways to maximize your small garden

You don’t have to call in commercial home designers or landscapers to have a stunning outdoor space in your home. With creative mind you can maximize

Corset for body shape, the pain, the gain

The ideal of what a perfect body should look like has changed dramatically over time, and varies by culture. This is why many women and even some men

Tips to keep your home safe

Your home should not be seen as only your biggest asset, but also where you spend the most of your time with your family. There are countless ways in