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Home Front

Christmas: NGO supports less privileged with gifts

A non-governmental organisation, Az-Zawaj Women and Children Intervention Centre, has donated relief items including foodstuffs, drinks, clothes and m

Improving lives of Nigerian girls

Nusaiba Yusuf, 17, grew up on the streets and the only trade she knew was begging for alms to survive in Kano. But succour came her way when she was i

Is it right to apologise to your child after disciplining?

Seven years old Ibrahim was moody, and seemingly refuses to mingle with his siblings as they play in the compound. Playing together after school hours

Shopping for the holiday season

Christmas season, also known as holiday or Yuletide, can be a stressful and hectic time, especially when it comes to shopping. It can be difficult to

Kogi Gov’s wife seek equal treatment for ‘Special Kids’

The wife of the Kogi state Governor, Barrister Amina Bello has requested for equal and improved treatment for special needs children. She made the app