Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Benefits of fasting during the month of Ramadan (I)

Exactly what are the benefits derivable from fasting in the month of Ramadan? As of the last time I ruminated over this question, I discovered nothing

In Ramadan, eat to fast not fast to eat

“O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed upon you just as it was prescribed upon those before you, in order that you may gain taqwa.” (Quran 2:

German kids banned from drinking water in class during Ramadan

Teachers at a comprehensive school in Germany have banned children from drinking water in their classrooms out of consideration for Muslim pupils fast

Hardship: Extend goodness to others, cleric advises Muslims

An Abuja-based Islamic scholar, Imam Dr Adam Jamiu Dosunmu, has urged Muslims to extend acts of goodness in the month of Ramadan. He made the call dur

Ramadan: Yobe spends N100m to feed 16,800 vulnerable Muslims daily

The Yobe State Government has said 16,800 vulnerable and less privileged Muslims will benefit from its daily iftar (feeding) programme in the holy mon