Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Israel suspends soldiers for singing inside Palestinian mosque

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has condemned the behaviour of some of its soldiers who were filmed singing and praying down a microphone in a mosque

Ansar-ud-Deen holds national dialogue to commemorate centenary anniversary

The Ansar-ud-Deen Society of Nigeria will hold a national dialogue in Abuja next Tuesday as part of the activities lined up for the grand finale of it

NASFAT holds special prayers for Nigeria, bemoans Kaduna error bombing

The Nasrul-llah-l-Fatih Society (NASFAT) has organised a special prayer for the nation to overcome its challenges. The organisation also described as

And the thief became a titleholder (II)

My brother, we all thought that we had reached the deepest parts of the abyss; that there could be no more ‘’breaking news’’ in the ‘ministry of corru

Denmark passes law to ban Quran burning

Denmark’s parliament has passed a bill that makes it illegal to burn copies of the Quran in public places after protests in Muslim nations over the de

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