Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Those pre-wedding pictures

People go around holding each other and smooching in the name of pre-wedding pictures. Some even kiss all in the name of pre-wedding snapshots. The gu

The Principle of Integration

A study of the three notions of al-maslaha, ijtihad, and fatwa, though rather technical, is unavoidable if we are to think from the inside about the p

Position of Islam on charms and omens

Wearing and having faith that charms, amulets and talismans can bring about good fortune or avert evil contradict true belief in Allah’s Lordshi

Muhammad (SAW) as Spirit of Truth: A Christian testimony against islamophobia (I)

Islamophobia has been on the rise in the United States ever since 9/11. The Republican Presidential primary has both revealed this troubling trend and

Islamic prayer beads: Tasbih, Subha

Islamic prayer beads are called subha, from a word which means to glorify Allah (SWT). The verbs tasbih or tasbeeha which describe the use of the bead