Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

How to advise a sinner

The one who made a mistake or sinned should be advised or corrected sincerely for the sake of Allah, without debasing him or her. So debasing or openl

Belief in al-Qadar (Divine Decree)

One of the six articles of faith is belief in al-Qadar (predestination/divine decree) whether good or bad. Any Muslim who does not believe in it or on

Islamic views on organ donation and transplantation

Introduction One of the new problems faced by the jurists is the issue of organ donation and transplantation. The human body, in life as well as in de

’Eid prayer and celebration

Next Thursday is ‘Eid al-Adha across the world and the most correct view (based on evidences of Qur’an and hadeeth, with the explanation o

Etiquettes of sacrifice

Islam wants its adherents to be good to everything, including the animals and the non-living things. The holy Prophet Muhammad (sallaalLaahu alayhi wa