Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Stick to Shari’ah in Rajab

The Sacred Months are Dhul-Qi’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab (as the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months).The months are considered

Islam’s stance on xenophobia

The ongoing xenophobic attacks in South Africa have led to the killings and wanton destruction of properties and have also led to widespread condemnat

Islam will be the largest religion by 2070: study

Islam is projected to grow more than twice as fast as any other major religion over the next half century, while Christianity will lose majority relig

Salatul Jum’at in Muslims’ life

In the Shari’ah of Islam, the provision of structures for Jum’at service occupies a highly esteemed status in the minds of Muslims. That i

Leadership and followership in Islam (II)

Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to a particular situation to bring about the most desirable outcome. Wisdom is excellence of discernment, dis