Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Leadership and followership in Islam (I)

In his first address as head of the Islamic state, he told the ummah: “I have been chosen to rule over you, though I am not the best among you.

Role of mosque in Islam and the society (III)

The Masjid is a place for meeting, consultation and exchanging views: Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, among others, reported that the Messenger of Allah

Never lose hope

Allah, The Exalted said: “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good

Role of mosque in Islam and the society (II)

The Masjid is a platform for oratory, eloquence and poetry: AI Tirmidhi and al Hakim extracted a hadith upon the authority of A’isha, who said,

Muslims who saved Jews in WW2 honoured

A new exhibition launching at Melbourne’s Jewish Holocaust Centre will paint a picture of how Muslims saved the lives of many Jewish people in A