Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Muslim group plans Maulud, procession in Abuja

The FCT Commandant of the congress, Muqaddam Abubakar Yakubu, said the anniversary will feature Islamic speakers talk on the need for Muslims to learn

Islam, Muslims and the labeling theory

I told him, Allah forbids killing even if the person is an idol worshipper except if the individual committed an offence and the law (Shari’a) stipula

Muslim groups organise vacation camps…Sultan to open MSSN Ibadan event

According to their individual statements, the organisers indicate that activities lined up for the period include Quranic, Hadith and Fiqh learning, l

On parents showing righteousness to children

Al Habib ‘Umar bin Hafiz said in this regard: There is both righteousness shown from parents to children, and from children to parents.Someone who is

Compass to contemporary Fatawah?

Considering the fact that Islam literally means submission and a Muslim is expected to be compliant with the dictates of Islam, the maxim therefore be