Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Conference on Prophet’s bio to hold June 21

A statement from organisers of the conference, which includes Nusret Educational and Cultural Co. Ltd., Hira Magazine and JNI, said the conference wil

Fasting Sha’aban to prepare for Ramadan

Salamah ibn Suhayl is reported as saying: “The month of Sha’aban is the month of reciters (of the Qur’an)”, while  Habeeb ibn Abi Thabit would, w

The divine’s shade of the Last Day (III)

We began by analysing the first quality and stopped after narrating the story of one of the prophet’s companions, Abubakar Sadiq (RA), who personified

Fasting Sha’aban as Ramadan approaches

Sha’aban, the 8th month in the Islamic calendar, immediately precedes the blessed month of Ramadan, which Muslims await in order that they may have pi

Muslims, Christians and the punishment for apostasy (II)

“And has gone and served other gods and worshipped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbidden, and it is told y