Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Confab on Prophet’s biography to hold June 21-22

A statement from organisers of the conference, which include Huseyin Baydar, DG Nusret Educational and Cultural Co. Ltd., Nevzat Savas, Editor-in-Chie

Islam loathes kidnapping and coercion

I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, the Eternal, besought of all and that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) our master our role model r

Muslims, Christians and the punishment for apostasy (I)

At the heart of this issue is Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman who was dragged to court on the accusation of fornication, it would seem she trie

The last week of Rajab

– Al-TaubaIt is related in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim from the hadith of Abu Bakrata (AS) that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his Farewell Pil

The divine’s shade of the Last Day (II)

The fourth feature includes the two friends that love one another for the sake of Allah and parted on the same ground. Fifth, the person that is under