Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Confab: MURIC alleges Islamophobia

Director of MURIC, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, said in a statement that Pastor Bakare’s attack was unfortunate as his criticism arose from premeditation.“It

Jihad: Misunderstood concept

The Arabic equivalent for holy war is “harb Al-Muqaddass” which is nowhere to be found in the Islamic literature.The word “jihad” simply means struggl

Muhammad (SAW): The Preacher of peace (III)

Orders unity in faith: peace and progressSome of the early warning signals of conflict and violence are disagreement and factions. The Prophet Muhamma

Zinaria Int’l School plans MSS week, Umrah, Hajj demonstration

A release signed by AlhajiAbdulmalikAbdallah, School Director, a copy of which was made available to Daily Trust, said the MSS Week is aimed at sensit

Rulings on transactions in Islam – Cleric

The cleric gave the advice over the weekend while delivering a lecture at a gathering organised by the Organisation of TadhamunulMuslimeen (OTM), the