IT World

IT World

Understanding blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralised, distributed ledger that stores the record of ownership of digital assets. Any data stored on blockchain is u

Digitalisation and Nigeria’s economic development

Many studies have shown that the digital economy is now the main driver of economic growth in both developed and developing countries across the world

Why 30m Nigerians are still without internet access

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) estimates that approximately 5.3 billion people – or 66 per cent of the world’s population – are usin

Digital security and Nigeria’s identity management system

Various studies have shown that for countries to make good economic progress and reduce insecurity, they must be able to develop a national identity m

5.3 billion cell phones to become waste in 2022 – Report

More than five billion of the estimated 16 billion mobile phones possessed worldwide will likely be discarded or stashed away in 2022, experts said Th