IT World

IT World

How to speed up your internet connection

Though the Federal Government has been laying broadband infrastructure to make the internet pervasive and increase its speed across the country, slow

Apps that every smart farmer should have

Recently, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) announced plans to engage 5,000 students of Federal University Dutse (FUD) to

Digital cooking, IoT and smart kitchen appliances

Smart technology seems unstoppable and it is now finding its way into the kitchens, thanks to the rise of Internet of Things (IoT).  With IoT almost e

How to guard against malwares targeting mobile banking apps

Information Technology security experts have said malwares targeting banking apps remain one of the biggest threats to mobile banking and mobile banki

Digital learning and Nigeria’s education sector

Hundreds of Nigerians have access to the internet and more than 100m are estimated to have some sort of mobile device, with, more than half of them be