IT World

IT World

Etisalat, NCC’s legal suit over ‘anti-competition’ stirs telecoms industry

Etisalat Nigeria is accusing the regulators of anti-competition policies. Etisalat has dragged the NCC before a Federal High Court in Lagos for allege

‘900bn photographs will be taken by smartphones in 2015’

The electronics maker added in a report it released yesterday that of the billions of photos taken by smartphones per day, 1.8bn are shared on social

14m devices get Windows 10 in two days, Microsoft says

However, the software firm said it still has a massive backlog of customers who ordered the Operating System, which was released last week.Although it

The coming of age of cloud computing

When the cloud computing (CC) technology first surfaced, it brought with it a large number of naysayers: companies who felt the whole idea was a hoax,

Huawei Android smart device hits Nigeria

Huawei has unveiled its T1 7.0 tablet device in the Nigeria. Senior Marketing Manager, Huawei Technologies, Nigeria,ýOlaonipekun Okunowo descri