IT World

IT World

WhatsApp takes on Skype, to make voice calls

The move is expected to open up major new markets for the firm Facebook bought for $19bn.It will allow users of the app to make voice calls to contact

‘Minister halted investigations into illegal use of 5.4GHz spectrum’

But the minister, through her special adviser on media, Efem Nkanga, denied influencing the investigations. A reliable source from NCC, who pleaded an

Apple co-founder says Google Glass, smartwatches ‘make no sense’

The Apple co-founder said he admired Google Glass owners who are brave enough to try something new, but believes the technology “makes no sense in ter

‘Broadband is positioning Nigeria as Africa’s gateway’

Nigeria will soon become the first country to be reckoned with on the African continent in terms of having a robust and pervasive broadband internet n

BlackBerry: Never say die

The notion of “innovate or die” must have a special meaning to BB, who has struggled for its survival for several years now – from an enviable p