Life Xtra

Life Xtra

LifeXtra: Would you work for the money or the passion?

What would you do if a friend betrays you?

Friendship is one of the things that make life worth living, but what happens when your close friend betrays you? LifeXtra takes a look. Betrayal is t

What does true happiness mean to you?

The struggle to find true happiness is a daily one for many people. And in the end, what you get would either make you truly happy or sad. But then wh

Everyone deserves to be loved

Last week, a story broke about how a woman beat a ten-year-old girl to the extent that she was badly bruised on her back. It was a disheartening sight

Would you allow third party interference in your marital issues?

Marriage is the coming together of two mature individuals who promise to spend the rest of their lives together through thick and thin. But when marit