Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Should married women buy property in husband’s name or theirs?

In India, if a man buys property in the name of his mother or wife, it could be because of some financial gains says a 2015 report on ‘The Economic Ti

When a request becomes a burden

Through marriage, we become related to our in-laws. Most times, these in-laws prefer to reach out to us than communicate directly with their children

Does marrying a rich person make one a gold digger?

Ama and Bill (not real names) have known each other for eight years. They went to the same school, were in the same department though Bill was two yea

Is it true that relatives & business don’t mix?

“I had a property which was given to me by my parents. My sister in-law rented it for two years. She renovated it to use it for her business. Before t