Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Finding closure for yourself and others

A young widow who prefers to remain anonymous narrates her ordeal in trying to help her son cope with the trauma of losing his dad: “My husband passed

How long should you date before getting married?

In a Whatsapp chat group, there was a story about a lady who dated a guy for over ten years and then he left her for someone else. People’s responses

When a compliment goes wrong

This week, a viral tweet set a robust discourse on etiquette. A lady explained how a guy who came for an interview told her, ‘you smell nice’. She was

Should parents apologise to children when they are wrong?

“What an old man can see sitting down, a child cannot see standing up or even atop an iroko tree.” Sayings like this and many more that highlights or

When envy sets in

“Do you find yourself in situations where you are open to friends but they end up in one way or the other destroying your success or plans? I have fou