Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Is love enough to make a marriage work?

Marriage brings together two people from different backgrounds, which could be religious, social, educational and even cultural. The general rule of t

What makes a marriage successful?

During a group discussion some time back, there was this view that wives were responsible for husbands cheating on them. Many however argued that a ch

What are students doing with their mobile phones?

I once forgot my mobile phone at home. I was already at work when I realised it. I had to drive almost 30 kilometres to go and retrieve it. This goes

Does age really matter in marriage?

For many, age is one of the deciding factors when it comes to marriage. It is not unusual to hear many ladies say they can’t get married to a man five

How useful are New Year resolutions?

During my secondary school days, the sayings ‘New Year, New system’, ‘New year, New me’, ‘New year, New resolutions’, were common amongst students. Th