Monday Column

Monday Column

Complexities of banditorism

Late last week, communities in Anka and Bukuyyum local government areas of Zamfara State buried at least 143 people killed in attacks by bandits terro

On Amina of Zazzau, the film

In his The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act (1981), the American cultural critic, Fredric Jameson says that to understand a

‘Professor’ Muhammadu Buhari, the political scientist

A Nigerian president is, by definition, a politician. In his letter to the National Assembly detailing his reasons for not assenting to the Electoral

As Nigeria Air returns in April, I smell a rat

As I never flew on a Nigeria Airways flight, I would not know if it was true that passengers often had rats for company on board flights of the defunc

The ‘gains’ of 2015

The French emperor, Napoleon, once said that each time he appointed one person to a post, he would make nine enemies and one ingrate. This captures th