My Perspective

My Perspective

The year-end: A time to reflect

I write today on the last day of the year, which as it is in the continuum, would also herald the arrival of the new year. Abuja, where I live, is unu

Professor Abdullahi Mahdi: Tribute to a passionate academic

When the sad news of the passing away of Professor Abdullahi Mahdi went about the media penultimate Saturday, my mind immediately went back to the fir

The return of Benin bronze artifacts

The media space is suddenly inundated with news of the return of the bronze artifacts that were infamously looted from the palaces and shrines of the

Off the pitch, Morocco emerges a winner in the World Cup

France defeated Morocco 2:0 on the pitch, but off the pitch, Morocco is up 4:0. Ultimately, the effects of Morocco’s off-the-pitch success may ripple

The hurrah moments of the World Cup

As you would expect, the ongoing 2022 World Cup in various stadia in Qatar has its ‘ahh’, ‘oh’, and ‘hurrah’ moments. Those following the matches on l