Nigeria’s mobile phone subscription hits 147 million – NCC

 The Nigerian Communications Commission said that the country’s phone subscriptions have reached 147 million as at January 2018. Th e Execu

Righting the Right of Way Conundrum

 There was a consensus among notable figures who spoke at the just concluded GSMA World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain. They all wanted to s

Nigeria has made much progress in telecom sector – ITU

 The Sectary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Houlin Zhao has said that though half of the population of the world are

Some of the ways consumers can be informed and educated

  The NCC provides forums such as this Consumer Outreach programme to make Consumers aware of their rights, availability of services and their ob

Telecom consumers and their rights

In his presentation at the event, a lawyer and a consultant to NCC, Mr Ayoola Oke said consumer protection is the mechanism that guarantees fairness t