Notes from Atlanta

Notes from Atlanta

Petrol price hike: Time to occupy Nigeria again

In 2012 when the Goodluck Jonathan administration arbitrarily hiked the pump price of petrol, I was the first to suggest an “Occupy Nigeria&rdqu

Re: Urgency of reforming Nigeria’s primitive postgraduate education

I have no space to publish the deluge of responses my column of last week ignited, but read below a sample which collectively paint a picture of the s

Urgency of reforming Nigeria’s primitive postgraduate education

Postgraduate education is almost dead in Nigeria. That is why the vast majority of Nigerians now go abroad to earn postgraduate degrees. Only severely

No US study ever said Igbos are the “Most Brilliant Black African Race”

Several Nigerian websites, including the online version of the traditional New Telegraph newspaper, quoted a putative ‘US study’ to have a

Why African universities must be entrepreneurial

This essay by Alex Usher makes a powerful case for why and how African universities must change their mission and orientation in the light of contempo