Notes from Atlanta

Notes from Atlanta

Bennet Omalu: A Nigerian-American hero Nigerians at home don’t know about

Dr. Bennet Ifeakandu Omalu is a big deal in America. He is so big a deal that he is the subject of a critically acclaimed Hollywood movie called &lsqu

Why Adamu Adamu’s appointment as education minister is “well-deserved”

I was surprised by the number of people who took issue with my description of Malam Adamu Adamu’s appointment as “well-deserved” in

Re: Adamu Adamu, please bring back Nigeria’s Teacher’s Colleges

Thanks for the beautiful piece on Teacher Training Colleges which appeared in your usually interesting column of 5th December, 2015. While agreeing wi

Adamu Adamu, please bring back Nigeria’s teacher’s colleges

I want to congratulate Malam Adamu Adamu on his well-deserved appointment as minister of education and call his attention to an article I wrote on tea

Re: ‘Mathematical Enoch Opeyemi & the making of another Nigerian intellectual 419ner’

Readers of this column weighed in on last week’s column with the above title. Enjoy. Thanks for yet another explosive expose on a Nigerian &lsqu