
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Danladi Umar: Is Tinubu aware of the plot against CCT Chairman?

By Yushau A. Shuaib The recent attempts to forcibly remove the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), Justice Danladi Yakubu Umar, are profou

Issues around OVH Acquisition and NNPC Retail

By Femi Awoyemi There is no equivalence with evidence in the financial, business, and economic space, as it is done in the political space. Records ex

The search for Bilyaminu and understanding sleeping sickness

Precisely 40 years ago, when I was much younger and growing up in Jos, my parents hired a young man named Bilyaminu (not real name. Bilya for short) a

Letter to Wada Maida: A Tribute By Ali M. Ali

“Every soul will taste death” Quran (3:185)    If you love and care for me, tell me while I’m alive. Don’t send me flowers and write a poem when I’m d

Toxic content on TikTok from Northern Nigeria: Ban TikTok

The emergence of social media has democratised the dissemination of information to the extent that it has put pressure on mainstream media to compete