

Emir Muhammdu Sanusi II and Vanguard’s Internet-age junk journalism

It also has the most Facebook “likes” of any Nigerian newspaper and is outrivaled only slightly by the Punch as the newspaper with the most Twitter fo

Where lays the fate of a man when presumed guilty?

A popular dictum among the writing community says: ‘You cannot write what you do not know.’ This is a truism which cannot be faulted because every pie

Cat Eyes: From a short story to a novel – Pever X

Bookshelf: Cat Eyes is your first novel. How do you feel?Pever X: Like a bride on her wedding day. You know that feeling. I had always longed to see m

My hobby is cooking – Award winning Nigerian female scientist

Weekly Trust: At what point in your life did you decide to become a scientist?Prof Fransesca Nneka Okeke: As in my early days, I’ve been curious about

Getting a goat this Christmas

When a buyer decides to opt for goat meat this Christmas season, a number of obvious scenarios not too far from scarcity or price hike may play out. D