

Slaves in our own country

If Nigerians, given the country’s huge human and material resources, have no reason to be enslaved in any foreign country; the need for…

The virtues of Dhul Hijjah, Eidul Kabir

Dhul-Hijjah, is the twelfth and last month in the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the month during which pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj),…

Because we treat rapists with kid-gloves

Were any regular reader of newspapers in Nigeria asked to mention few of the often-reported news, stories of rape would certainly…

Good, the bizarre ‘sport’ failed

In the past one week, Sweden became the centre of a viral, yet, controversial and hard-to-believe news story which claimed that t…

Global Parents’ Day

Five days after children in Nigeria ‘celebrated’ (or rather observed) the annual Children’s Day on Saturday May 27, 2023;…