

The devil in mobile phones

Modern information technology has, no doubt, made life in modern times much easier than it was before the advent of Global Satellite of Mobile communi

Why, how our mothers lost their bills

The first day of this month (March 1, 2022) came with bad news for Nigerian women when senators and house of reps members rejected the five gender bil

Why has human life become worthless?

It’s a colossal tragedy and war declared against humanity that human life, which has lost its sacred value in modern Nigeria, is now made to compare w

Whither cultural misappropriation?

The sun, moon, land, sea, sky, mountain and other features of the physical environment are governed by laws that are constant. They are not, by nature

That mother-tongue shall not die

February 21 every year is observed worldwide as International Mother Language Day (IMLD). The Day, Insha-Allah, comes up next week Monday. The idea to