Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything

We are what we consume

I have written elsewhere about how irritating I find these lyrics that celebrate wealth (and do it without context) so that money is what is being lau

Buchi Emecheta, hero

Last week was the sixth death anniversary of Nigerian writer, Buchi Emecheta (1944-2017), and I posted a series of tweets on her life that proved to b

The son of the governor is also the governor? LWKMD!

At the end of last week, I came across a video of one of Governor Ikpeazu’s sons being transported like a governor, convoy and all to some event. He h

On the power of dreams

I am writing this on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and it’s got me thinking about worthy legacies and living in such a way as to leave one behind. Often

What resolutios are you making this year?

It is 2023 already and as usual, I am certain folks are making resolutions up and down. Exercise more. Read more. Drink less. Relax more. Make more ti