Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

Don’t follow your followers

My father told me an instructive story about Malam Aminu Kano. One day, Malam was walking to a function to which he was invited. On the way, one of hi

62-year old toddler

Some years ago, I had just had dinner with a South African lady when she said: “I really enjoyed the enlightening conversation that we’ve had.  Thank

Is King Charles III a Muslim?

Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the elevation of the Prince of Wales to King Charles III, many scholars have mentioned the king’s relation

Re: How to Neutralize a Powerful Union

Prof. Ibrahim Bello-Kano  For lack of space, let me go straight into the main points of my comment on Prof. Brainy’s piece last week in which he offer

How to Neutralize a Powerful Union

One Lesson from Thatcher, Lee Kuan Yew and Yahya Jammeh All the leaders who dealt with unions and won used only one strategy: providing an alternative