Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

Why walking helps you solve problems

Did you know that when toddlers are learning to walk they take on the average, 2,368 steps per hour?  That’s not all, they also fall 17 times within t

Why walking helps you solve problems

Did you know that when toddlers are learning to walk they take on the average, 2,368 steps per hour?  That’s not all, they also fall 17 times within t

Sleeping on this side makes you snore and reduces academic performance

Further, Dr. Mathew Walker and a colleague published a paper in 2019 titled “sleep loss causes social withdrawal and loneliness.

Are these scientific reasons why Muslims perform ablution?

Muslims perform ablution every day; a ritual where one is required to wash the face, arms, and feet – and also pass wet hands over your hair fro

Why you should eat twice a day

Some researchers at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague, Czech Republic tried to find out.