

The beautiful sides of lakeside property

“The lake makes the place beautiful. It’s very comfortable living here. The lake is unique in Abuja. This is the only lake in Abuja and the neighbourh

How 14 pilot states can benefit from mortgage refinance scheme

They are to serve as the pilot states and by extension a veritable test case for the much-talked about Public Private Partnership arrangement between

Gombe visits Nasarawa to see land management reform

The visit was the umpteenth from similar stakeholders, since May 30, 2013 when Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura led former Federal Capital Territory (FC

FCT minister wins award

The organizers said the award was pursuant to the realization of Nigeria’s dream for the Federal Capital City under Mohammed.The Director of Urban and

Draughtsmen lose bid to vet building plan in Ogun

Justice Olanrewaju Mabekoje held in his verdict that the action of the draughtsmen is unmeritorious.He awarded the sum of N17,500 as judgment cost in