Saturday Column

Saturday Column

The Reality of Caregiver Burden

Last week, a friend of mine and I had a lengthy discussion about the burden of caregivers. It was one of those instances when you know the other party

Child Abuse: A silent epidemic

Last week Sunday on NTA’s Newsline, I watched with dismay as yet another report was shown about a twelve-year-old girl named Joy, who was locked up in

Epilepsy: A story untold (I)

Realization hit like a ton of bricks. I tried to probe him for more details but he seemed blissfully ignorant. All he remembered was that he was in cl

The Hand That Gives

Every Ramadan, for the past ten years or so, I have carried out a tradition I learnt from my mother. At the beginning of the month, she would make a l

In Defence of Medical Internship and Professional Qualifications

On the 12th of April, 2020, a circular was released from the Head of Service of the Federation regarding internship programmes in the civil service. I