Sunday Comments

Sunday Comments

And the penny dropped

President Buhari and the national chairman of APC, Chief John Oyegun, made honest admissions about the state of our national economy the previous week

2016 budget padding and Speaker Dogara

In a system where integrity and credibility count, the National Assembly serves as a gathering of sane, patriotic, intelligent and educated minds who

South Sudan and the African curse

Is this what they call the African curse? It has the acrid smell of it. What is going on in the Republic of South Sudan seems typical of the African c

Coup d’état attempt: Turkey’s Reichstag fire?

On the evening of July 15, 2016, a friend called around 10:30pm and said that both bridges connecting the Asian and European sides of Istanbul were cl

Justice4Olomofe: One year on, where is the change?

With several unsolved murders, Nigeria ranks 13th on the Committee to Protect Journalists 2015 Global Impunity Index which spotlights countries where