Sunday Magazine

Sunday Magazine

‘Gold in the sea’: Brazil’s booming fish bladder trade

Amazon fishers are cashing in on a booming maw industry fuelled by Chinese demand, but the threat of overfishing looms.   Belem, Brazil – It was

Inside story of livestock transformation in Sokoto

By Tadaferua Ujorha who was in Sokoto The importation of exotic cattle and crossbreeding these with local species will produce more milk and meat, whi

New life as electricity is restored in Maiduguri 11 months after

People in some parts of Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, have heaved a sigh of relief and celebrated the restoration of electricity, 11 months afte

Port Harcourt: Is there a link between respiratory tract infections and soot?

Port Harcourt’s skies are dark, and when it rains the waters are black. Soot enters every home, darkening all it falls on, even with the windows shut.

Prominent Nigerians who died in 2021

The year 2021 is coming to an end and within the year many prominent Nigerians died; among them politicians, captains of industry, scholars and tradit