THE Retirement Planner

THE Retirement Planner

Retirement – The transition phases

Over the last few weeks, we have tried to cover the psychological realities of retirement. Individuals go through those varied emotions within differe

Retirement planning – The psychological realities (V)

Last week, we took up a few of the triggers of varied emotions in retirees and about-to-retire individuals. Today, we will conclude with a few more of

Retirement planning – The psychological realities (IV)

Retirement from jobs and careers a person has had for three to four decades comes, understandably, with mixed emotions. These emotions are triggered b

Retirement planning – The psychological realities (III)

Today, we will take up the last of the DABDA and non-DABDA stages of grief that we commenced last week. Bargaining – ‘Bargaining’ is one of the proces

Retirement planning – The psychological realities (II)

Last week, we introduced why we, understandably, get attached to our jobs and careers. Those reasons, and others, are part of why we go through a mix