Thursday Column

Thursday Column

What’s the furore over Fayemi?

The search for a black goat should begin well before nightfall —African proverb In a few months, active politicking for who will succeed President Muh

Elmina was painful like that

Last week, I visited Ghana to give a talk at the New York University, Accra Campus and hold a writing workshop at the Goethe Institute for promising G

The Ilorin video and the legend of Mr Wahidi

Before I got into secondary school back in the days in Jos, I was terrified by the legend of Mr Wahidi. My older brothers and their friends talked abo

Of cornflakes, jihads and conspiracies

It has been an interesting week in Nigeria. First, David Hundeyin’s report, ‘Cornflakes for Breakfast: The Boko Haram Origin Story’ (published in the

Sixty and one questions on Independence Day

What is your first memory of Independence Day? What do you remember about those days? Was it the parades? The excitement you saw on the richly vaselin