Thursday Column

Thursday Column

Ahmed Joda: An encounter

On Friday 13th August, a renowned public servant, a quiet statesman, a genial and benign gentleman, Alhaji Ahmed Joda, passed away at the handsome age

Gumi and the sin-eater syndrome

In 18th and 19th century Europe, especially in Wales, upon the death of a person, his or her relatives would prepare a ritual bread and drink, place i

In praise of might and the decimation of bandits

My column last week, ‘A Horde of Uniformed Beggars’ drew quite a few reactions from the generality of Nigerians who have been harassed by uniformed pe

A horde of uniformed beggars

There are lots of uniforms in this country. The police, military, paramilitary, private security guards, immigration, customs, cleaners and whatnots.

A State of the Nation Undressing

It has become customary for African leaders to repudiate in the strongest terms the people whose votes and support they desperately sought to gain acc